Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at LLL Series Meetings?

At group meetings La Leche League Leaders and other mothers share experiences, give suggestions and offer support and encouragement. LLL meetings are ideal for learning from and making friends with other mothers. These meetings provide time for mother-to-mother sharing in a friendly and accepting atmosphere. The informal meetings are attended by expectant, new and experienced mothers and their babies. Most Groups rotate through a series of breastfeeding topics; however, every meeting is different and the questions of the attendees, particularly those who are pregnant or have new babies, are always given top priority.

What information is discussed at Series Meetings?

There are four general topics that Leaders rotate through at meetings:

  • Benefits of Breastfeeding
  • Bringing Baby Home
  • Avoiding Difficulties
  • Nutrition and Weaning

Sometimes a Leader may cover the topic in a general fashion, and sometimes a Leader may cover a specific topic within that general topic. Enrichment meetings may cover a wider variety of topics and do not generally follow the four general topics.

Do I have to join LLL to atttend meetings or receive support?

No, you do not have to join LLL to attend meetings. We do offer membership options to support our Groups but it is not required for attendance.

Can I attend meetings as an expectant mother?

Yes, we encourage pregnant moms to attend a complete four meeting series in preparation for breastfeeding. 

Can I bring my baby/children to the meeting?

Yes, children are welcome.  We encourage nursing babies to join mothers at the meetings. 

Can I bring my mother/mother-in-law/husband/other support person?

In general, we welcome support people to come. Each Group reflects on their community's needs to decide if men can attend. Some Groups may aways be open while some may offer an extra meeting a few times a year open to partners. Contact your local Leader to ask what is standard for your area and let them know what your preference.

What if there's no Leader near me?

LLL offers online support and virtual meetings on many social media platforms. Join us in our Facebook group, LLLI Breastfeeding Support.

Do you make home visits?

Some Leaders do make home visits, but it is not required of LLL Leaders. If you need help immediately, and the next LLL meeting in your area is not soon enough, contact a Leader in your area to see if there are any nearby Leaders who will meet with you.

Who is a LLL Leader?

A Leader is someone who is currently accredited as a La Leche League International (LLLI) Leader, has fulfilled LLLI requirements for leadership, and subscribes to the purposes and policy of LLL

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